Exportar más allá del pronóstico: 24 experiencias de mujeres al frente de empresas y cooperativas de América Latina y el Caribe
Autores: Mora Jozami, Carolina Mora, Lizeth Aguirre Negrete, Huilén Amigo, María Florencia Merino, July Empreatriz Jimenez Orjuela.
Nueva publicación realizada por el BID INTAL, junto con la Fundación Foro del Sur, y gracias al vínculo que BID ConnectAmericas y Mujeres ConnectAmericas establecieron con mujeres empresarias y líderes de cooperativas. Se trata de una investigación focalizada en documentar y comprender, a través de 24 casos de mujeres que lideran empresas exportadoras y cooperativas exportadoras de ALC, los factores y limitantes involucrados en el proceso de internacionalización de los perfiles que llevan adelante negocios en el comercio exterior.
El estudio de las temáticas vinculadas a comercio internacional y género son importantes para el Instituto para la Integración de América Latina y el Caribe del Sector de Integración y Comercio del BID, en tanto se consolidan como maneras de entender y transformar la estructura productiva de los países de la región, involucrando el compromiso de actores tanto público como privados, así como de la sociedad civil.
The cycle of talks "Production and analysis of data from a gender perspective", organized by the Latin American Justice and Gender Team (ELA) together with Foro del Sur Foundation, UN Women in Argentina, 100% Diversity and Rights and the Latin American Initiative for Open Data (ILDA) took place over four meetings between the months of August and November 2019. The cycle favored the dialogue between different key actors of public organizations, civil society organizations, intergovernmental organizations, the academia and the general interested public who are linked to the collection, elaboration, analysis, access and dissemination of gender-sensitive data.
This publication prepared by ELA is inspired in the contributions and exchanges between the different people and institutions that participated in the cycle of talks so that the material generated from different areas, the accumulated experiences and the information gaps identified can be a source of consultation to promote new opportunities. From civil society, academia and also from State agencies, many people promote interesting projects and initiatives that can contribute to improving and amplifying the progress made. We hope that the material offered in this publication can be an input that promotes debates and the production of knowledge.
How to cite this report:
ELA - Latin American Justice and Gender Team. Gender in data perspective: an urgent need for the public agenda. July 2020.
ELA - Latin American Justice and Gender Team (2020)
The Foro del Sur Foundation publish "Argentina Today", a collection of art books, in Spanish and English, based on the research program on political-cultural issues that this organization develops since its creation in 1995.
The first three books are drawn from a series of conceptual lines: micro-politics of space, micro-politics of the body, and racial exclusions in art. Each one of these axes supposes an invitation to integrate works of diverse artists and supports, which will offer the possibility of finding new repertoires or re-placing, in them, well-known works from other perspectives.
The collection is coordinated by Marlise Ilhesca Jozami and directed by Diana Wechsler. The authors responsible for each of the books in the first trilogy are the Argentines Paula Bertua, Leandro Martínez Depietri, Francisco Lemus, Florencia Qualina y la italiana Benedetta Casini.
The Active Life
Out of Place
Putting things in black and white
Multiple, Singular, Plural
"I Protect Myself" is an initiative for children up to 8 years old that aims at them learning about their bodies, which in turn becomes a useful tool to prevent sexual abuse. It has been created to work alongside with relatives, educators or protectors. It is used according to the need and understanding of each person.
Created in Brazil by a multidisciplinary team of volunteers, it arriices to Argentina through the Foro del Sur Foundation so that it can be freely accessed and reproduced from its platform by mothers, fathers, and interested civil or educational organizations.
Mothers, fathers, grandparents, teachers, therapists, psychologists, doctors, psychiatrists, police, defenders of human rights and of children's rights, all of them participated in the elaboration process of this material.
Between April the 6th and May the 26th of 2020, the Foro del Sur Foundation carried out a national survey focused on telework and its particular impact on women. A total of 6,366 answers were recorded, of women living throughout Argentina.
The work was possible thanks to the great collaboration of 35 organizations, among which are included unions, companies, universities, and public sector organizations.
We are currently reviewing and ellaborating recommendations per sector, with the aim that teleworking does not become a modality that brings further disadvantages to women.
The data linked to issues of violence are what remains to be added to this report. It will be available shortly.
Furthermore, we would like to present the REPORT: THOUGHTS AND CONTRIBUTIONS FROM INTERSECTIONALITY ON WOMEN AND TELEWORK FROM HOME, in reference to the survey that holds the same title.
This document results from a collaborative action aimed at bringing a perspective from a gender perspective to the design and implementation of regulatory frameworks and good teleworking practices, since this modality has a different impact on women.
For its preparation, we have had the active participation of representatives of thirty-five (35) civil society organizations and public bodies, who, throughout various meetings, analyzed and debated various aspects of the bill on Telework that has been approved by the National Chamber of Deputies as well as the results from the survey on Women and Teleworking from Home, designed by the Foro del Sur Foundation, which was answered by more than six thousand women throughout the country.
El algoritmo toma el control
The economist Sofía Scasserra presents her new book "Cuando el jefe se tomó el buque. El algoritmo toma el control", edited by the Foro del Sur Foundation.
Its digital version is available for download, for those interested in information on current debates such as the one on the real impact that algorythms have on the gender agenda and on the search of a more equal society, in which work as a whole is undoubtedly present.
Lazaro Galdiano Museum - Madrid - 2014
The Lazaro Galdiano Museum presented, in 2014 and for the first time in Spain, the Jozami Collection. This collection contains more than one thousand pieces ranging chronologically from the nineteenth century to the present. The peculiarity of the Argentine collection, driven by passion and desire, is the great political commitment and social sensitivity that gives it life.
The eighty works which were presented in Madrid were selected by the curator Diana Wechsler. The exhibition invited the viewer to explore the Lazaro Galdiano Museum once again, from the viewpoint of the dialogue established between both collections .Among the figurative works that visited Madrid, works by Antonio Berni, Luis Felipe Noé, Luis Seoane, Liliana Porter, Joaquín Torres García, Pedro Figari, Xul Solar, Gabriela Sacco, Christian Boltanski, Vik Muniz, Ana Mendieta, Leandro Erlich and Tunga stood out.
Bank of Brazil Cultural Center - Rio de Janeiro - 2011 SESC - São Paulo - 2011
Conceived by the Cité de la Musique in Paris and organized with the support of the artist`s family and administrators, the exhibition "We Want Miles - Miles Davis, Jazz Legend" produced by the Foro Sur Foundation, presented the trajectory of the musician, through documents and objects, but especially through the installations facilities baptized “mutes” (in reference to the trumpet mutes) that illustrate the musical production of the different phases of Mile´s career.
The "mutes" are soundproofed, allowing visitors to view the works, many of them exhibited for the first time, while a specially selected soundtrack is heard with no interference from external noise.
Among the pieces are spontaneous photos taken while in studio - with Herbie Hancock, Charlie Parker, John Coltrane and Wayne Shorter, among others; instruments belonging to Miles (trumpets of different colors, used in historical recordings and concerts) and other musicians who knew him - including percussion instruments belonging to Airto Moreira and John Coltrane's saxophone; sheet music and album covers. More than 30 video and audio spots.
Bank of Brazil Cultural Center - Rio de Janeiro - 2011
"I'm a Cliché -. Echoes of the Punk Aesthetic", Produced by the Foro Sur Foundation, got its title from a song by the band X-Ray Spex and the exhibit centered around the viewpoint of 12 artists concerning the transformation of the image within the punk aesthetic. The artists include Andy Warhol, Artsitein, Bruce Conner, David Lamelas, Dennis Morris, Jamie Reid, Linder, Peter Hujar and Stephen Shore and the exhibit contained a total of 150 works, including photographs, collages, posters and installations from the various stages of the punk movement. All were selected by Emma Lavigne, curator of contemporary art at the National Museum of Modern Art “Georges Pompidou Cultural Center “in France.
Bank of Brazil Cultural Center - São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro - 2009
"Argentina Today" was the first major itinerant exhibition outside of Argentina that allowed access to comprehensive views of contemporary art in the country. In the first edition, held in 2009, the curators Franklin Espath Pedroso and Adriana Rosenberg selected 63 works by 33 Argentine artists that were exhibited at the Bank of Brazil Cultural Centers in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. The artistic project included educational programs for students and teachers as tools to promote international cultural exchange.
Correios Cultural Center. Rio de Janeiro - 2006
The exhibit brought together 84 works by the artist, including the original drafts used to produce the prize winning works at the Venice Biennale of 1962, work tools, original editions of catalogs and photographic collection time.
Recoleta Cultural Center - Buenos Aires - 2006
The exhibit emphasized the production of this great artist, keeping in mind that the dissemination of Gambartes´ art also contributes to the consolidation of ancestral traditions and beliefs, which are necessary for building a sense of nationality and belonging which helps us to face the world.As for the script, it was structured around three major themes: the Cartons of Humor, the Suburbs and the Mythical-telluric World; with some sub-themes, such as the dream Drawings, a small group of works that coincide with moments of great insight of the artist.
Recoleta Cultural Center - Buenos Aires - 2004
When someone gains success and fame in a particular artistic discipline, it is difficult for us to see their work in another discipline as more than a hobby or pastime. However this is not the case of the great actor Hugo Soto and his relationship with painting, which was said to have interested him more than his work on stage.He worked intensely for three years in the studio of Carlos Gorriarena and through his statements we know that he painted with the same intensity as he acted. The premature death of Hugo Soto deprived us of a great actor and a promising painter, as seen by the works included in this tribute, where we can easily observe how the actor also put his body into his painting.
Raúl Prebich en el análisis de sus contemporáneos
This book is the result of a cooperation agreement between the Raúl Prebisch Foundation and the Foro del Sur Foundation.
It responds to the purpose of offering the new generations of students, researchers and those interested in the life and work of Raúl Prebisch, an evaluation from the Latin American perspective, carried out by his own contemporaries. Hence the title: A Latin American Intellectual Challenge. Raúl Prebisch under the analysis of his contemporaries.
The structure of this publication tries to cover the central aspects of his life and work. From the biographical references to the constant evolution of his vigorous intellectual personality and his inexhaustible effort as a forger of institutions at the national, regional and global levels. This is how one may read, through its pages, from the first elaborations as an economist and civil servant in Argentina, until his final return to his country of origin in the eighties.
Publicación bimestral de la Fundación Foro del Sur, desde mayo de 1995 (41 números ininterrumpidos). El Consejo Editorial de Archivos del Presente está conformado por el ex Secretario de Planificación Estratégica, Dr. Jorge Castro; el ex Canciller, Dr. Dante Caputo; el ex Subsecretario de Asuntos Latinoamericanos, Dr. Alberto Ferrari Etcheberry; el Presidente de la Fundación Foro del Sur, Lic. Aníbal Y. Jozami; el Dr. Félix Peña ex Subsecretario de Comercio Exterior; el ex Embajador en Estados Unidos, Dr. Eduardo Roca; el responsable de Defensa y Relaciones Exteriores de la Unión Cívica Radical, Lic. Angel Tello; el Dr. Alberto Methol Ferré (Uruguay); el Dr. Celso Lafer ex Canciller de Brasil; el Embajador Luiz Felipe de Seixas Correa ex Vicecanciller de Brasil; el académico y politólogo Dr. Hélio Jaguaribe de Brasil Y EL Presidente del PT, Marco Aurelio García. En el tránsito de sus diez años, Archivos del Presente se ha consolidado como proyecto cultural en el que confluyen centenares de intelectuales aportando sus análisis, investigaciones y reflexiones en sus páginas.
For info about our activites: courses, seminairs, expos and more.